My life's journey has been shaped by adversity, resilience, and the unwavering belief in the power of change. As a minority grewing up in a remote agrarian village during the war, I understand the profound impact of discrimination, violence, and inequality. My own traumatic experience, where I was held captive and sexually assaulted, ignited a fire within me to speak out and end the cycle of systemic silence and oppression.
Having sparked a #MeToo movement in Serbia, I'm confronted with government retaliation that continues to jeopardize my family's safety to this day. As a Jewish and Ruthenian individual, I have endured discrimination, harassment, and threats, experiences that further strengthen my commitment for no one to ever have to face such dehumanization.
Way Out is more than a game; it's a vehicle for change. Through it, I aspire to guide our generation toward eradicating the pervasive rape culture we've been born into and conditioned to accept. As a storyteller and a stage performer, I believe in the transformative power of play, and I am committed to ensuring that every player of Way Out becomes an activator towards a safer, more compassionate world.
Join us, let's rewrite the narrative, dismantle prejudices, and foster empathy, one game at a time.